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Empowering Immigrants and Mobilizing Communities


Pro Se Plus Project (PSPP): Who are we? 

Pro se: Latin for "for oneself, on one's own behalf."

When a litigant proceeds without legal counsel, they are said to be proceeding "pro se.”

Pro se refers to self-representation in legal proceedings or in court without a lawyer appearing or speaking on your behalf. The Pro Se Plus Project (PSPP) is a collaboration of legal services providers and community based organizations that mobilizes volunteers and advocates and empowers recently arrived immigrants with the knowledge and tools to advocate for themselves.


We provide community education to support navigating the U.S. immigration system, legal screenings, and pro se application assistance (assistance with applications one submits without being represented by a lawyer). We train community supporters to increase their capacity to assist recently arrived migrants.


We help people avoid exploitation, in absentia removal orders, missed deadlines and notario fraud.

Upcoming Events

In 2023, the Pro Se Plus Project offered 90 community presentations to over 6,000 community members, 35 advocate trainings to over 1,800 community supporters, and 13 legal clinics offering pro se application assistance to 273 community members.

PSPP screened over 3,000 community members for eligibility for immigration relief and provided pro se services to over 2,700 community members.

Latest Resources

Discover comprehensive resources and educational workshops to navigate the U.S. immigration system with confidence. 

Déclaration d'Inapplication de la déportation accélérée


Deklarasyon inaplikabilite Mezi Ekspilsyon Akselere an


Declaración de inaplicabilidad de la expulsión expedita

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With funding from

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